SnackLot FZC's Services

Our initial approach was to introduce a Washroom hygine service that would encourage people to maintain healthy and sanitized environment in washroom. Since 2002 Hygine fresh lead the Middle East market with the ultimate solution for the washroom hygine concerm. Our many years of experiences in the field of service industry and knowledge about the market motivated us to setup a manufacturing company to support the hygine service specialist providing cost effective products and efficent hygine services. We are first acclaimed brand in the middle east for washroom hygine products that manufactures under modern hygine practices to promote a clean and refreshing environment all around the world.
The Hygine Fresh uses new technology to deliver improved efficiency and productivity while reducing running costs. We offer an innovative range of products to help that design, provide, equip, clean or service washroom facilities to create and maintain clean toilet and urinal furniture, and to encourage healthy, achive best practice hygine standards and deliver a fresh environment 24 hours a day.